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COPPER - noble and independent   · This semi-precious metal has been used by mankind for about 10,000 years, a whole epoch was named after Copper before the Bronze Age. Copper definitely does not belong to the "old iron", because it is again popular thanks to its very independent appearance.

OSKAR - copper / grey

CHF 221.60 CHF 110.80

EINTOPF brushed copper

CHF 118.40

EINTOPF copper

CHF 87.55

BERGAMO opal-white / black

CHF 430.25

A60 4W 2000-2900K Mirrorhead copper - dimmable

CHF 30.05

Globe 125 6W copper - Dim 2 Warm

CHF 52.05

EDISON P copper-black

CHF 152.15 CHF 76.10

LINESTRA 8 copper

from CHF 255.10

LINESTRA 7b - copper

from CHF 94.05

ETNA copper

CHF 87.55